A little bit - well bits - of Glastonbury in Frome

By Susie Watkins

21st Jun 2023 | Local News

The piece of Frome art is absolutely fantastic and finished just in time for the gates to open
The piece of Frome art is absolutely fantastic and finished just in time for the gates to open

Talented local Frome artist Violet Von Riot , who has won countless plaudits for her unique collage pieces, has gone extra big to celebrate the Glastonbury Festival.

Just in time, as the gates opened, she completed THIS her stunning Glastonbury festival collage.

She explained : " This piece is HUGE. A1 in size. I created it using thousands of pieces of cut or torn up bits of old magazines, all done by hand, with no digital collaging or AI assistance (the first two rows of dots that represent peoples heads I did use a hole puncher though."

" This piece is my biggest and most complex to date. I've tried really hard to capture the colour and chaos and beauty of Glastonbury, I'm really happy with the end result. Wishing everyone going the most wonderful of times."

Prints available of the piece from Studio Art & Frame Frome and the work will be part of her display for the Frome Open Art Trail


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