A big week in store for Frome Town FC with the Wurzels coming to town and BIG plans

By Susie Watkins

27th Sep 2022 | Local News

Frome Town FC is forecasting a big week- and weekend - ahead.

Saturday - watch Arsenal vs Tottenham on the big screen in the clubhouse. Then on the pitch, the team is back in league action with Hamworthy United coming to town, two teams that like to play fast paced football, as it should be a great game to watch. Then make sure you book your tickets for Saturday night as The Wurzels perform live on stage.

Then Monday, a huge night - as along with the Frome Town Council and the FSA - the first step into exploring the future of the Club. If you ever wanted a say in how the club should be run and explore the future of our club don't miss it. Register to let us know you are coming.

Tuesday, the team is back at home vs Wellington AFC in the Somerset Cup at 7:45pm.


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