Badham's in the centre of Frome : Amazing photos from 1968 floods

News that roadworks in the centre of Frome are finally coming to a close
prompted some memories from a reader of a time when the centre was also cut off - this time by flood water. Sally Badham got in touch and is allowing Frome Nub News to show photos she has of the family shop - Badham's - next door to Boots which is still there. The photo is from 1968 when the centre of Frome was flooded out, and happened to be taken the day of her 18th birthday - which she told Nub News was also a wash out. All thoughts of a big celebratory party swept away as she was confined to the flat above the shop. The shop opened in August 1959, with the family having previously lived in Bath. Sally's parents were both dead by end 1981 but her brother, who still lives in Frome continued to run it for some years.Share: