Walking from Autumn to Winter with Mendip Ramblers

By Guest author

23rd Oct 2023 | Local News

Mendip Ramblers on the Isle of Wight : Photo Chris Vowles
Mendip Ramblers on the Isle of Wight : Photo Chris Vowles

Walking from Autumn to Winter with Mendip Ramblers

As the days become shorter, and the weather colder, it is tempting to hibernate, but that is not the Ramblers way! After an enjoyable Walking Festival in August the Mendip group haven't let the grass grow under their feet, but are very much "out and about" across the Mendip area and sometimes further afield.

Recently many members joined in a Somerset Area walking trip to the Isle of Wight, and were rewarded with lovely sunny weather in a lovely place and evening entertainment, minus the boots! Back home the usual weekly programme of walks continues, with a good range of different walking opportunities. Hopefully some dry Autumn weather will last, even though a waterproof coat is never far away.

As usual the stalwart Working Party have been out each week, helping to keep the footpaths accessible for as many people as possible.

But it's not all walking. A social evening was enjoyed by many members and Christmas Lunch plans are in place.

Ramblers are the most well known walking charity in the UK and from their beginning they have campaigned to ensure that our footpaths and Rights of Way remain open to all.

Walking is not only good for our health but those paths are also part of our heritage. So if you want to improve your own wellbeing and that of others why not join in? You don't have to be a Rambler, just turn up and enjoy our beautiful part of the world. You will receive a warm welcome.

All details can be found at www.mendipramblers.co.uk .

Elaine Dadley for Mendip Ramblers


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