Man seriously assaulted by three men in Frome

By James Smith

19th Jun 2024 | Local News

The incident happened in Trinity Street (image by Google Maps)
The incident happened in Trinity Street (image by Google Maps)

A 27-year-old man suffered serious facial injuries after being assaulted in Frome.

The incident happened in Trinity Street at around 8pm on Friday (June 14), Avon and Somerset Constabulary said.

The victim was assaulted by three other men and suffered a fractured jaw, which required surgery.

"The only descriptions we currently have of the offenders are that they're all men and in their twenties," the force said.

"An investigation is underway and we're appealing for any witnesses to this incident, especially anyone with mobile phone or dashcam footage, to come forward.

"If you can help, please call us on 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5224154147."


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